Mods MTA Online Dayz

terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2015

Sistema De Montar Tenda igual Ao Rust
Coisas Modificadas : Voce Agora Pode Escolher Aonde Sua Tenda Sera Montada,A Tenda E Criada Na Sua Frente,Meio invisivel,E Voce Pode Mover Ela.

Como Mover A Tenda??

Teclas 8 E 2: Move A Tenda Para Frente E Para Tras
Teclas 6 E 4 : Move A Tenda Para Os Lados.
Scroll Do Mause : Quando Girado ,A Tenda Rotaciona.

Como Colocar A Tenda Apos Ter Movido Ela De Lugar???

E So Apertar Enter E A Tenda Sera Criada Aonde Voce Escolheu.


1- Va Na Sua Pasta Do DAYZ E Abra O Arquivo "SurvivorSystem.lua"

2- Procure Por : onPlayerPitchATent

3- Voce Ira Ver Uma Funçao , Substitua Ela Completamente Por Este Codigo :

function onPlayerPitchATent (itemName)
if getElementData(source,"inCraftPlaceObj") == true then return end
local x,y,z = getElementPosition(source)
local xr,yr,zr = getElementRotation(source)
px, py, pz = getElementPosition(source)
prot = getPedRotation(source)
local offsetRot = math.rad(prot+90)
local vx = px + 5 * math.cos(offsetRot)
local vy = py + 5 * math.sin(offsetRot)
local vz = pz + 2
local vrot = prot+180
tent = createObject(3243,vx,vy,z-1,0,0,vrot)
setElementCollisionsEnabled(tent, false)
bindKey(source,"num_8", "down",eightTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"num_2", "down",twoTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"num_6", "down",sixTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"num_4", "down",fourTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"mouse_wheel_up", "down",upTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"mouse_wheel_down", "down",downTentPressed)
bindKey(source,"enter", "down",doneTentPressed)
 outputChatBox("Use the 'numeric keys' and the 'Mouse Scroll' to control your object.", source)
 outputChatBox("Press 'Enter' to put the Tent in the Map.", source)
 wellImSorry = setTimer( function()
 forceEnd (source)

function eightTentPressed (source)
local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition(tent)
function twoTentPressed ()
local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition(tent)
function sixTentPressed ()
local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition(tent)
function fourTentPressed ()
local tx,ty,tz = getElementPosition(tent)
function upTentPressed ()
local trx,try,trz = getElementRotation(tent)
function downTentPressed ()
local trrx,trry,trrz = getElementRotation(tent)

function forceEnd (source)
 setElementFrozen(source, false)
 outputChatBox("You didn't made the Tent in the time, try again.", source)

function doneTentPressed (source)
 outputChatBox("You made a Tent!", source)
 setElementFrozen(source, false)
 unbindKey(source,"num_8", "down",eightTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"num_2", "down",twoTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"num_6", "down",sixTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"num_4", "down",fourTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"mouse_wheel_up", "down",upTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"mouse_wheel_down", "down",downTentPressed)
 unbindKey(source,"enter", "down",doneTentPressed)
 local nx,ny,nz = getElementPosition(tent)
 tentCol = createColSphere(nx,ny,nz,4)
 attachElements (tentCol,tent,0,0,0)
4- Salve O Arquivo

5- Va Testar

Se Voce FEZ Tudo Isso E Testou, Volte Aqui E Deixe Um Comentario Sobre Oque Voce Achou, Se Voces Gostarem  Vou Ate Fazer Uma Versao Com Ware Fance.

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